Thursday, March 18, 2010

Almost 1 month old

I can't believe little girl is almost 1 month old, but she is still SO tiny, but yet growing so fast.  The last few days she has decided that nap time will not happen until after lunch time, which means that she wants to be held for the majority of the time until then.  Whenever she does act like she is falling asleep and I lay her down, she will wake up within minutes.  I have got to break her of that!

We are still getting up every 2-3 hours at night, but I am proud to say that I am still nursing.  Both my other two were on the bottle by now, but I am determined to keep going.  She is a great nurser, and although she has recently started to spit up, it's not anywhere NEAR as bad as Tyler was - which made me stop nursing him.

My days are pretty much spent holding/playing with her, sometimes napping with her, entertaining the occassional visitor(s), running a load of laundry (or 2), putting away laundry, doing dishes, and trying to clean up at least a little bit and organize something.  Today, Salvation Army is coming to get a whole bunch of stuff out of my garage, too bad it's not stuff in my house that will make it look like I did something today.

Tomorrow, I am going to tour another daycare.  I don't even want to think about having to put her in daycare, but I have to find a place.  She won't actually start until May 24th, but I need to find one that I like and start the process before then.  I go back to work 4 weeks from Monday, and my husband will be home with her for 4 weeks.  I then have to go out of town for work, but I am taking her and my mom with me, so she will be just over 3 months when she starts daycare.  Too bad I can't find a friend close by that wants to keep her.

Well, that's it for now.  Sorry if my posts are boring, I don't do much these days - but thankfully Angela came to visit today - with sweet baby Dallas too.  It was a nice visit, and we will have to do it a few more times before I have to go back to work.

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