Sunday, October 26, 2008

what a horrible blogger I am

I must say that things have been super busy since I started my new job. I have yet to find a day where I have NOTHING to do. I guess that is a good thing, because it makes things go by faster. But, on the other hand, I do not have time to blog. I will have to make an appointment in my calendar, at least 2 times a week, to take 30 min. to write a blog and to catch up on everyone elses.....That's sad isn't it? I am sure things will settle down soon, I am still new at the job and making sure that everything is right. I am sure it will become part of my everyday routine soon enough, that I won't be afraid I have missed something...:) Things are actually going really well. I have caught on fairly quickly and easily. It is just a lot of reports and remembering where all the information has to go. Fun times.

The kids have also been in a new school. After the fiasco with the last place, it was over it. We pulled the kids out of the other daycare the very next day, and went to view the one they are at now. I LOVE the new place. They have been there going on 3 weeks now, and not ONE phone call from them that either of them were sick. We even took Tyler to school one day when he was a little down because he is teething, and I called to check on him. She said he was fine, a little cranky but she new it was the teeth! WOW....I would have DEFINATELY received a call from the other center that day FOR SURE!! I really do like this new place though. They have web cams so I can go online and check on the kids whenever I wants. It's kinda cool. I actually have only been on there once because I am so busy, but Brian gets on there several times a day to check on them. They also take the kids on field trips too. The first week they were there, they went to the pumpkin patch. Because of the short notice, I was not able to go with them and chaperone, but they seemed to do fine. There were even workers ready at the pumkin patch to help all the kids. I was nervous at the idea at first, but after talking to the directors/owners, I was fine. I mean, eventually they are going to have to go on field trips in school right? They didn't take Tyler either, so that was good. I thought he would be too young to go!

In December, they are taking them to the Nutcracker. I have already put the date on my calendar so that I can go with them. That should be a lot of fun!

All in all, things have been good, just busy. We all had the "bug" going around the last few weeks, but seem to be getting better. Hopefully I will be able to write again sometime this week. I hate that I have not been able to, I know this is a way a lot of us keep in touch. I will try to do better!

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