Saturday, January 16, 2010

From Bored to Busy

Well, I went through about 2 weeks at work where I was BORED TO DEATH!!!!  Nothing to really do, outside of the daily activites that needed to be done - that did not take very long to do.  Come 11-11:30, I was finished with my work, and really didn't have much to do the rest of the day.  Most of my days were spent searching for things on Etsy, and buying a lot of the things I found......Which, I have had to STOP since JAN 1!  Things have started to pick up speed since mid-last week, and I really have not had time for much of anything, other than to do these reports and things for work.

We are doing REALLY well on our "new budget."  I check our credit card statment for mid month, and we are have spent less than 1/2 of what we normally do by mid month.  I tell you what, those lunches out, and drive thru dinners really do add up!

I am so excited about this week.  Tomorrow, my sister-in-law is throwing me a baby shower.  I can't wait! We also have Monday off, so the work week will be short.  I have a dr. appt at my Primary Care - which I may end up canceling.  The only reason I was going to go is because we switched to an HMO insurance so we would not have an OUTRAGEOUS bill from the hospital when we have Alexis.  Now, just a small deductible payment, and we will be set.  BUT, now that we are on an HMO, I have to have referrals for EVERYTHING!  I was going to the chiropractor for massage every now and then, but now I have to have a referral for that.  The only way the dr. will give me one, is to come see her - since I have not been there in over a year.  Debating on whether or not it's worth the $25 co-pay to go.  Under the new insurance, I can no longer get my massage for $13.41, I have to pay $35, but that is still not bad for 1 hour.  I only have 5 weeks left, maybe I can stick it out.

Anyway, Thursday, I have lunch plans with Angela, and I'm definately looking forward to that.  I have been staying at the office EVERYDAY since we started our new plan of saving money.  Once or twice I may wonder out for about 15-20 min, just to get away, but I have pretty much been taking 10 min to eat my lunch in the break room, then going back to my desk.  Thursday will be a nice change.

Next saturday, my sister is throwing me another shower.  This one is supposed to be fairly big - about 25-35 people will be at my house.  Hope I have enough room!! :)  I'm so excited.  Never thought I would get a baby shower for my 3rd child, let alone 2!  I truly am blessed with some great family and friends.

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