Monday, January 11, 2010

An Inspiration........

Well, our family New Year's Resolution was to spend less money.  We have made this a "monthly" goal, but have not quite succeeded YET.  We really talked about it over Christmas, since we will be having our 3rd child soon.  Something that is sort of a MUST, and not optional anymore.....

So, with that, I decided that I will no longer BUY my lunch, unless I have some cash, or if I sold some Pampered long as it does not go on any credit card, or out of our checking account.....

With that goal in mind, I cooked dinner Monday night, with some left over, so I could bring it to work (Monday I ordered Chinese for lunch, but had cash), and did the same everynight thereafter, so I could bring my lunch.  My 4 yr old tried to ask if we could have Taco Bell Tuesday night, but I resisted the urge, and she was fine with me making her "Taco Bell Fav." at home :).....

My biggest problem is that I run out of ideas of things to I started searching the Food Network website for meal ideas.  They actually have some "30 min" ideas, and crock pot ideas.  Those tweaked my interest 1st, because my 2nd biggest problem is that I am PREGNANT! :)  Which, makes me tired.  Not to mention, I have 2 other children and work full time. Excuses, I know....My home ec teacher in highschool would be VERY disappointed.

After searching the website and printing some recipes that would be easy and could cook most of the day with minimal effort, I set out on a plan....  My plan was to PLAN meals for the next few weeks, then go grocery shopping this weekend......  I incorporated a few of the new recipes into some of our old traditional favorites, and went to the grocery store.  I had a "mental" budget of what I wanted to spend, and made sure to not get too many things outside of that... (a bad habit I often have).  I did get some breakfast things for the kids, a few easy snacks and easy quick meals for them, for when my husband has to watch them (like Thursday night when I go get my hair done!) 

The other key is to take a pen and piece of paper with you and put little hash marks for every $ spend, making the 5th mark across so that you can keep them grouped in 5's. Anything over $.50 will count as a $1.  It will all even out in the end.  If you stick to that, then you will know before you start putting things in the basket that you REALLY don't need, and can stick much better to budget.  Also, buying store brand for things that don't really matter.

After posting on Facebook that I planned the meals, went to the grocery store, was within $.08 of my "mental" budget - and was able to get a new crock pot as well - since I broke our....LITERALLY, like dropped it and it shattered into pieces.....others started commenting on my facebook.  My sister (1/2 sister from Dad's side), who is ALWAYS a great cook - even had her own catering company, emailed me to find out what I was making, how I did my shopping, and asked for pointers.  I was THRILLED!  She is the one that ALWAYS has the "good stuff" - even food sometimes I don't know what it is.  My other sister also sent me a message this morning that I "inspired" her to cook more at home too.  The "inspirations" are such an encouragement, because I am one to get tired easily.  Knowing that someone else has decided to try the same thing really keeps my spirits going......Hopefully it will last....

My newest obsession - which I have haulted since after Christmas (trying to save $$) is ETSY.  You probably know what it is and have probably see all the cute stuff they have on there.  Let me tell you...I have bought hairbows, and dresses, and all kinds of stuff on there.  Some of the last bit of stuff is coming in now - since they didn't have enough time to make during the holidays.  One of the girls here at work can sew, and she also told me that showing her some of the stuff I have bought has "inspired" her to maybe start making things again and selling them on Etsy.  I wish I was that talented, and for now, I think Alexis and Kaitlyn have PLENTY of stuff from there.  I even got some stuff for my sister and another friend.  It's just SO cute, I can't help myself!

Here is a dress that I bought for Alexis that came in today......Isn't it ADORABLE???  It's MUCH tinier than the one shown below, but SO cute! I have to stop looking at stuff online so I don't buy it.........

Well, to anyone that reads my blog, I hope you have a great day, and let me know if I even "inspire" you.  It really does boost my spirits and help me to stay on track.....

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