Sunday, March 7, 2010

2 weeks old....

Today, Alexis is 2 weeks old, and she is already growing SO much.  I just love spending my days with her.  So far, they have consisted of the following:

  • Awake around 7-7:30 to eat (that's after waking up several times through the night - but this is when we actually get up). 
  • Play for a little bit, then take a nap - sometimes I join her, sometimes I don't. We are also usually watching "Saved by the Bell" and "Fresh Prince" at this time.
  • Mommy eat Breakfast - sometime around 9am
  • Do some laundry/dishes/or work on a project
  • Alexis wakes up and eats and plays some more
  • Eat lunch around noon
  • Alexis takes another nap - sometimes mommy too :)
  • Wake up for a bit - kids come home from school and get baths before getting to play with Alexis
  • Dinner with the family - Alexis is usually sleeping again
  • Wake up and play until around 10-11pm
  • Sleep - she wakes up around 12:30-1ish, depending on when she went to sleep, again at 3ish, and again around 5:30ish.  It all depends on what time we actually go to bed and how well she sleeps that night
I am stilly trying to figure out a night time routine that will 1. help her to sleep longer, and 2. keep her from sleeping with me.  Granted, she is only 2 weeks old, I don't want to start a habit of her sleeping with me (although it's so much more fun!).  We have some good nights and some bad night.  And shen I say "bad" it's not really bad, she just wakes up more often.  I don't really let her cry (at night), so when she starts to make noise and get a little fussy, I go a head and get her up to feed.  My husband is working, and the only way I can keep him from sleeping on the couch is to keep her as quite as possible.  So far, so good.

Saturday I had her take her naps in our room where it was nice and quite.  I need to let her get used to sleeping when there's not a lot of noise, because at night, it's very quite.  The 1st few nights home, my husband did sleep on the couch, so I slept with the TV on, and it's usually on all day long.  The only problem is, I like to keep her close to me while she is sleeping during the day, so that means she is usually in whatever room I am working on, and the TV is on.  This week we are going to continue the naps in our room, but also try to get her to actually sleep in the bassinet.  She has been sleeping in the car seat, so I am going to try to get her to sleep in her bed.  Soon, I will let her sleep on her stomach (please don't gasp, my other 2 were tummy babies, and if you ask your mom - SO WERE YOU).  I don't know that I agree with the whole "on the back reduces the risk of SIDS."  In fact, if you research it, many will tell you that they don't know that it actually does reduce the risk.  My son spit up so much all the time that there was NO WAY I was going to let him sleep on his back and have him choke.  Luckily, she does not spit up much, but as long as she can move her head - which she already can, then I am fine with it.  They actually sleep much better that way too!

Alexis is so alert all the time now, which surprises me that she is only 2 weeks old.  She likes to look around at things (as long as you are holding her).  She is even drawn to the light from the TV and will stare at it. 

She's getting so big already too.  Her cheeks are so fat already.  Did I mention that I LOVE staying home with her????  I still have 6 weeks left to go, and I am soaking up every minute of it.  I do not want to go back to work - it's not even funny.  I get very sad when I think about it, so I try not to.  I wish I could find a work from home job - one that does not require me to sell anything, or go to school for......there has to be something out there!

Here are some pictures of her from this week.....


Angela said...

You are too funny....wanting to work from home but for a job that doesn't require you to do anything :) I totally understand, though!! I am loving staying at home with Dallas! Hopefully one day next week we'll be able to come and see you!

Stacie said...

I just don't want to have to go out and "sell" anything. Wouldn't mind a data entry type job or something like that. Hope you can come see me soon!!!