Monday, June 30, 2008

A husband needs a wife that is complasaint not complaining

So I started reading a book called "What a Husband needs from his Wife." It has actually been pretty good. I have been able to relate to the author a lot, although I have found myself not wanting to practice some of the things I have learned. That's bad, I know.

In the evenings, I like to get the kids to bed then go take a bath and read. As I said, I have started reading a new book. The books I typically like to read are Christian Romance novels (usually by Lori Wick - she's an excellent author). I had actually gone to Lifeway Christian Bookstore a few weeks ago in search of her newest book in the latest series, but they did not have it. My husband and I have been having (typical) marriage "issues/spats," and this book had caught my eye. I didn't like the constant power struggles and issues that we had been having, but I also knew that they stemmed from us not being in church regularly, and me not being as encouraging as I should be. So, I decided that I would purchase this book instead, I need all the help I can get.

Like I said, I have found some very good things in this book, but I have found myself not wanting to put them in practice. One day, after reading the book, I realized that I could no longer depend on anyone else for my happiness. If I am constantly looking to my husband for happiness, then I will be constantly disappointed. Now, don't get me wrong, I am not saying that my husband does not make me happy, because he very much so does, but there will always be things that he un-intentionally does that could upset me. The same goes for me to. I am by no means a perfect wife. But when you look to someone else (other than God) to find happiness, you will always end up unhappy.

So, if you have read my blog from yesterday, you already know that I was disappointed in our church experience. So, after I put the kids to bed, I went to take my bath and read my book. I finished the last section I was reading the night before and started on a new one.......A husband needs a wife that is complacent, not complaining....O.k. so I don't think that is word for word what she titled it, but it was very close. I read the section on that (only a paragraph), and put the book down. It was really what I needed to read, but again, I didn't want to. I had to ask for forgiveness because I was not happy with what happened at church yesterday, and my husband knew it. Webster defines complaisant as "marked by an inclination to please or oblige." I need to be pleased with everything that God has given me, not complain about it. She went on to say that when we complain about everything, we make our husbands feel like the weight of the world has been put on their shoulders. They are supposed to be the head and support of the family, but how can they not feel burdened when the one person they want to be happy is not? I need to be happy with everything God has given me. I act as a bad testimony when all I do is complain and wish things were differently.

So, I hope you have learned something. If you had not read this book, read it. I am only 1/2 way through, but it really is helping me to see how selfish I have been. I can always be concerned about me and myself. If I worry more about what my family, husband, and children need, then God will make sure he is taking care of me.............

1 comment:

Angela said...

okay so I left a comment on your last post that was supposed to be for this post :) oh well!!