Tuesday, July 1, 2008

.....the mom's life

O.k., so my blog is title "the life of a mom," but yet I haven't really talked about my kids much. I titled it that because I figured most of my conversations through out the day some how turn to my children....the funny things they do, the crazy things that are said, anything really I can work into the conversation because I'M A PROUD MOM!! So, let me tell you a little bit about my kids......

Kaitlyn is 2 years old. She will be 3 in October. You can even ask her now when her birthday is and she replies, Octttoober....It's really rather cute! Not only is she 2, but she is the SMARTEST 2 yr old I know (because I hang out with all kinds of 2 yr olds!! haha). Yes, I am bias! She knows sign language, and not just the "milk" and "more" and "please" that you teach your kid when they can't talk because you want to know what they want. She knows other words and even some short sentences like..."microwave is white" (my sister taught her that because her microwave in her toy kitchen is white) and "how are you, I am fine." That one is the most impressive to me. The other little words include, boat (I taught her that one when daddy went on a cruise witht he boys and she kept saying, "where is daddy?"), cheese, aunt stephie, uncle matt, memaw, grandpa, mommy, daddy, tree, clouds, rain, shoes, and a lot more that I can't think of right now. SEE I TOLD YOU SHE WAS SMART!! She also knows how to be manipulative at time....Her new phrase is "My mommy said yes!" Or whomever she wants to use in the "mommy" place to get her way. That is her barganning tool she thinks will give her what she wants. It makes me laugh at times.

Here's a cute funny story of something she did the other day......She has VERY curly blonde hair and likes me to get my straightener and "fix it like mommy's." It's very cute! So I was fixing her hair before we left the house and bubba (Tyler - the other kid haha) was playing with his toys in the walker waiting "patiently" for us to finish. He dropped all his toys and started to squeel. Katilyn preceeded to put her hand out (imagine the "talk to the hand" hand), and said "Quiet bubba, I can't deal with this right now, I'm getting my hair done." I couldn not stop laughing.........
So, now about my sweet little boy Tyler. And boy is he sweet. He will be 11 months old in 6 days. He is getting WAY too big.....He just started getting around really good, as he used to just scoot on his belly to get to places. He also just started pulling up on things, so we are baby proofing AGAIN!! He weighs about 24lbs (Kaitlyn only weighs about 29lbs soaking wet). Tyler LOVES to eat. He eats at least 4 - 8oz bottles a day and 5 jars of baby food, sometimes more!!! (And I wonder why he spits up sometimes). I wonder how much he would eat if I just sat him down and kept opening jars of food and feeding him. He would probably stop when the cubbards are bare!!! Tyler used to be a BIG mamma's boy, but he has started to warm up to daddy more and even chooses to go to him over me sometimes. He LOVES his sissy though!! They play very well together, and I am sure he is thinking he CAN'T WAIT untill he is a little bigger and can start knocking her over for a change. (Kaitlyn is still learning gentleness!!)

So, that in a nut shell is my 2 kids! The are sweet.......And I am sure there will be more stories to follow!!

Don't ask why Tyler is always in the pink
doll stroller, I honestly don't know

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