Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Contractions at 14 weeks are not fun.....

Yes, contractions...at 14 weeks...NOT GOOD! Well, they are not hard contractions, but they are contractions none the less. The last 2-3 weeks at work have been physically and emotionally stressful, and I think that is the big contributing factor. My doctor last week told me that it is normal and that is just part of my uterus growing, and can have them more the more children you have, but I still worry about it. It's not overly painful, and is just maily pressure, but I also had full on contractions starting at 24 weeks with my son. I just don't want to deal with weekly, bi-weekly, and sometimes even tri-weekly dr. visits again. I am sure it is nothing to worry about, but I have been really emotional the last two days....Completely work related, but emotional non the less.

Anyway, if they get any worse, I will call the doctor, but at this point they are not major. In fact, they were much stronger than this with my son and I didn't even know I was having contractions, so I only recognize it as that because I'm on baby #3.... And who knows, maybe it is just my body growing to accommodate a living thing inside me :) We shall see!!!

1 comment:

Kelly Marie said...

I always thought it must be neat for a pregnant lady to look down and know that someone was in there. Hope the contractions let up.