Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Does it ever end????

Oh the joys of parenthood, attempting to hold down a full-time job, and being a mother :). Last week I only made it to work 1 1/2 days out of 4 (Monday was a holiday). Tyler was still sick - not with "hand, foot, mouth" because he didn't ACTUALLY have that, but Monday night started diarrea. I was hoping that Tuesday morning he would be fine, so we sent him to school (don't most parents send their kids to school knowing good and well they might be a little under the weather but hope they don't get a call from school, or is that just me?? - please don't judge me :) ) I received 2 phone calls before 12 on Tuesday that he had 3 wet diarrea diapers. Good times. So, I picked him up and took the rest of the day off. My plan was just to work an extra hour Wed-Friday to make up for it, so I went to work on Wednesday. I pulled a 10.5 hour day - was plum exhausted, only to come home to an even more sick little boy. The diarrea had not gotten better, he was not eating very well, drinking some what o.k., but started to get a bad cough and congestion. Thursday I took the day off and had to take him to the dr. What does the dr. do?!?!? Tell me it's a virus, give me cough meds (with steriods) for the cough, alergy meds for the congestion, diaper cream for the major diaper rash, and send me on my merry little way. I thought after 3 days of diarrea, they start on anti-biotics. He said it was a virus, but I thought they give anti-biotics regardless after 3 days.....I sware, I could be a pediatrician.

We survived the weekend and even though he's not back 100%, he's almost there.....

Now, here's the fun part. My husband gets a phone call around 5:15 that Kaitlyn has a 101.6 fever!!! What does that mean??? We have to keep her out of school at least through tomorrow and hope the fever breaks by then and she is o.k. Even worse, she has a very nasty cough. Since she is going to be out tomorrow, I am going to call in the morning to see if I can get her into the dr. and go a head and start meds for whatever the heck she might have as quickly as possible. What has me even more worried is a few people that work with me (not at my center, but within my company in other states/cities) have the Swine Flu - one girl that used to work for my husband as well. They said it either started as bronchitis, or it turned into brochitis. Her cough has me worried she might end up with swine flu...... Paranoid....

Well, let's just hope I don't get sick. It' can't be good (if she has the swine flu) to pass that on to a pregnant person....... I maybe thinking into this too much.... I will stop stressing....

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