Friday, August 15, 2008

Drama Central

Sorry I have not written in a couple of days. It has been rather crazy! Nothing but DRAMA at my office. My outside sales rep. quit yesterday. I am actually glad, because with her comes all the drama, and boy has she started it. I don't care to see her or hear from her ever again I don't think. I just don't need all that drama in my life too. What is sad is that we were starting to become friends, and I was starting to trust her. I am not sure really who/what to trust anymore. All I know is that I want nothing to do with any of it. I just want to stay in my office and be by myself, minding my own business. That is VERY hard to do at my office, because there is always something to stick your noes in around there. Oh well, for now I will try to be by myself.

We have a busy weekend. Tomorrow is my sister's son's 1st birthday. His birthday is 1 week after my son's. They actually adopted him a few months ago, and yesterday was the first day I have seen him (I know, I'm a bad sister). We try to get together, but something always happens with one or both of us. So, we will entertain ourselves at another 1yr. birthday party.

Before we do that though, we have several errunds to run. We have to go by Sprint and see what kind of deals they can offer us, I think my husband gets a discount through his work. Anyway, he is getting me a phone added to his plan, partially to help relieve some of this "Drama" from work, since my phone is ran through them. So, I get a new phone. I am VERY excited about that.

We also have to go see if we can find me a Jaguar shirt (I found one on my lunch break today, but I was not informed that we have to dress better than T-Shirts for the Jaguar game since we are going to be in my husband's company's box). This is going to be my first Jaguar game, and we are going 1ST class. We got tickets from my husband's work, and the CEO of his company will be there so we have to be on our BEST behavior. I think I can handle that.

We also have to go get a present for my nephew, as well as go by the bank to make our car payment.....All before 2:00. That should be fun!!!!

Now that you are bored to tears, I will go. I am about to fall asleep myslef!!

Good evening!


daynagonzalez said...

Stephanie adopted a baby?!? I didn't know that!

Stacie said...

Not Stephanie, Jennifer. Most people don't know I have another sister. She is from my dad's 1st marriage before my mom. We didn't see her much, but we try to get together with the kids now that we are "adults"