Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I think I am having a heart attack!

O.k. that might be a little drastic of a title for this blog, but my chest really does hurt, and it's NOT heartburn!!!

My job is VERY stressful at times, especially in this ecomony. A lot of people are scared to build houses or remodel because of interest rates, and the economy, and stock market, and just the fact that the price of EVERYTHING is going up, but our paychecks seem to be going down. It really is kinda scarry. It also doesn't help that a few people around here don't seem to have ANY sense of urgency to complete a job in a timely manner, so I am the one that gets yelled at because it is not done.

Today, my service manager, who know EVERYTHING about cabinetry, has called me SEVERAL times to tell me the stupidest (that's not a word, I know) things. I mean, come on! If you can build a masterpiece out of NOTHING, then why can you fix 1 TINY crack in a door? REALLY??? He has an excuse for everything, THEN when I told him if he couldn't get done with what he was doing by Friday like we told the builder, then HE had to call, he made the comment "I'm getting used to calling people now" WHATEVER!!!!!! I AM THE ONE THAT HAS TO CALL EVERYONE!! EVERYTIME!!!!!! He never has to call!! O.k. so maybe 1 time I made him call a customer, but that is only because I have been calling him since NOVEMBER of LAST YEAR!! That is VERY sad.

O.k. I guess I need to calm down now. This really is stressing me to the point that I am having CHEST PAINS!!! I need a new job....Anyone hiring?


Angela said...

Please don't have a heart attack!! I would really miss e-mailing you all day! What would I do to pass the time? :)

Stacie said...

I am sorry I have not been a good email friend this week. Things have been crazy. I met with those customers again today (the ones I was with for 4 hours the last time), and I kept thinking today was Wednesday.....Glad it was Friday, but needed it to be Wednesday so I could have more time!!!!