Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My sweet little girl

At the school my kids go to, they do picture day twice a year. I think it is part of a scam on us parents to see how much money they can suck out of us, because they know we are going to buy these prescious pictures of our little ones. This last month, they did picture day with a horse. They dressed the kids up like cowgirls/boys, and made them sit on a horse. Kaitlyn's teacher said there were several that did not even get their picture made because they were crying. When you see Kaitlyn's pictures, you might understand why. She didn't look all too thrilled, but she suffered through it. I was able to scan all these pictures in my computer so that I did not have to pay for them!! :)

1 comment:

Angela said...

Oh my goodness those are so cute!! She certainly does not look too happy about having those pictures taken, though :)