Tuesday, August 5, 2008

"Next Blog"

O.k. so have you ever clicked the "next blog" link up on the top of the screen? I just did, and it was interesting and even disturbing to see what I saw. I guess it just rolls though blogs, not sure if they are in any kind of order. Some of them were in foreign languages so I could not read them. I just scrolled through one where the person charts everything they eat every day and even takes pictures of it.....They were on like day 23. That was weird. Anyway, just wondering if anyone was as curious as I was!


Angela said...

Yeah, I've done that before...but it's hard to find good blogs that way. A better thing to do is to click on the links in your profile (for instance - one of your favorite movies) to see who has stuff in common with you!

Stacie said...

Yeah, I have seen that. I wasn't really looking for anything to read, just wanted to see if there were any more normal people in the world, and it didn't look as if there were...haha just kidding! Maybe people think I am not normal...Who knows!