Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Conversation I had with my boss

Hopefully no one that knows the people I work with read this, otherwise they will know I write about them.....

My husband is always telling me I need to stand up for myself more (like I do with him). Here at the office I just let things go when they bother me, well most of the time anyway. Lately things have gotten "stressful." I am getting a little bit tired of people talking to me like a child and like I don't know how to do my job. I am told how it needs to be handled and when I do handle it that way, it's still wrong.....

Yesterday I had called my boss to ask him if he could meet the countertop man on a jobsite because the homeowner really did not know what to tell him if he had any questions. I can understand that, we installed the job, so we should have all the answers right? He agreed to meet him out there and I told him he would be there at 9:00, because that is the time that was told to me. At 9:30 I received a call from my boss stating he was not there yet and he didn't want to wait much longer, he had things to do. So I called the countertop man and was told the guy was knocking on the front door.....Called my boss back and relayed the info EXCEPT, he was not knocking on the door. I called the countertop man back to say NO HE'S NOT (by this point I was getting frustrated....why was I on a rat race??) Needless to say, my boss called me back and when on and on about how he had wasted 45 minutes of his time and he wanted to back charge him 45 minutes and take it off the bill and yaddah yaddah yaddah...meanwhile I am just listening. He the said "what do you think?" I said "I don't know what to say to that other than you are late to your appointments too....." So why is it that when a customer gets upset that he is late to an appointment then that is not o.k., but when someone else is late, then it is wasting his time?? I don't get it. The homeowner finally called him back around 10:00 and told him that the guy was there and that he told him he would be there between 9:30-10:30. My boss decided it was necessary to call me back and tell me that. All I said was I guess it was miscommunication....The guy doing the measuring though he was supposed to be there between 9:30-10:30 so he didn't think he was running late, that is why he didn't call to tell you, and I was told 9:00 from someone different. He then said "maybe I should call them since you are acting nonchalant about this." My response..."O.K." What the heck was I supposed to do? How many times have these people helped us out when we needed help? So lets just piss or vendors off because they were 30 min. "late" and you had other things to do....LIKE WHAT???

O.k.......yes I have had a rough day!

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