Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Most of my week days are like this......

Alarm goes of at 6:15....hit the snooze til about 6:45. Get up and take a shower. Start getting dressed, Kaitlyn comes in and wants to watch cartoons. Then theres, "Mommy, I'm hongry" (yes I spelled that right, that's how she says it.) Which is followed by "I need milk," while I try to continue getting ready. Then I get her ready, fix the diaper bag (after my wonderful husband makes all 5 bottles for the day...isn't he great??) Then I get Tyler up, put him in the car with a bottle, and get sweet pie in the car and we leave. Drop them off at daycare, go to work, pick them up from daycare. Get home and try to decide what's for dinner, Brian usually goes to pick up something because I am too tired to cook, eat feed the kids, get baths, get in bed (kids). This is all supposed to take place by 8:00. Then I go take a my book and Brian and I climb into bed, sometimes as early at 8:30....No we are not 80 yrs. old.

Tonight was much different....All of the stuff from 6:15 until pick up the kids still happened. BUT, tonight I decided to go to church with my friend Angela. It has been a LONG time since I have been to church on a Wednesday night, but I was looking forward to it and was excited....I felt like a little kid all day long. So, after I pick up the kids, I picked up dinner for all of us. Didn't get to her house until 5:45, church starts at 6:30 mind you, we eat, drive to church (her church is HUGE!!), get the kids in the nursery and finally settle down into church around 7:20-30.....We didn't get the WHOLE sermon, but probably 2/3rds of it. The preacher was good. Then it was back to get the kids, head to my dad's to drop something off from the kids, and home, get the kids to bed (they actually got baths this morning as well as Tyler getting his breakfast before we left too....which was a MAJOR accomplishment because he usually doesn't eat breakfast until he gets to school)........WHEW.....What a long day....But all in all it was nice. I feel like I chatted the heck out of Angela's ears......we haven't seen each other in 2 almost 3 years and even at that is was at her wedding, so it's really been at least 5 or more years....Oh how I've missed her! :) We are getting together for lunch next week too....Looking forward to it. Now we just need to get our husband's together...........

So now that I have bored you with what I did today, maybe my head will stop spinning and hurting at the same time.....If my husband would just get home with my Taco Bell......:)


daynagonzalez said...

Hey Stacie! I've enjoyed reading your blog, and your kids are so cute!
I'm glad you got to go to Angela's church. If we lived closer, we would probably go there, too.

Angela said...

Hey, I'm just catching up on my blog-reading. I'm glad you had a good time! Like I said before, I really enjoyed seeing you, and I'm looking forward to Thursday! You'll have to come again on a Wednesday night...but we'll plan ahead better! :)