Thursday, July 17, 2008


So I will have to say that I have been blessed with reasonably good children. I am not one of those moms that thinks her kid does nothing wrong and insists that they are good when all they do is raise all kinds of rucus! We have had the normal tempertantrums where they try to test their boundaries (really only Kaitlyn, Tyler has not gotten to that stage just yet, but he is starting to get there). She has never been one of those kids though that you just look at and think, "her parents need to beat her."

Today was a totally different story. I went to pick the kids up from school like normal, and everything seemed to be o.k. (other than my 2 yr. old that was a little hyper from not being able to go outside and play all day - expected). She has recently started to pout or whine whenever she does not get her way, but I have found that ignoring her has been the best. She usually stops quickly and realizes that she is not getting her way.

She decided that she wanted to close her door herself (which is amost impossible for her to do from inside the car, but she likes to think she can), and when I shut the door and got in the car it was the end of the world. I actually had to stop the car in the parking lot and tend to her in the back seat, but that did not help. Almost the entire way home she SCREAMED at the top of her lungs, kicked and tried to get out of the car seat. I honestly have never seen something like this from her before. It shocked me so much I had to move the rear view mirror so she could not see me because I was laughing. You may think why was I laughing, but I think it was mostly out of shock.

Needless to say we took care of things when we got home, and I don't think it will happen again. She seriously looked like she was possessed....that's bad to say, but she was screaming SOOO Loud I thought her eyes were going to pop out of her head.

Oh the joys of being a parent!!!!

1 comment:

Angela said...

I love the Kaitlyn stories! I know you don't want to encourage that kind of behavior, but it really can be so funny when kids act like that! ;)