Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I have never done this before, but I figured, "what the heck." I am supposed to be doing work right now, but I am really tired. We just got back from lunch, and I could use a nap.....

Here goes....I am just copying and pasteing (that doesn't look right but the other way did not either) what Angela wrote because I am not original enough and too lazy to retype all of this and it's rules........

The rules of the “meme”:
1. List your top ten favorite films (in no particular order).
2. If you're tagged, you've got to post & tag 3-5 other people.
3. Give a tag back (some link love) to the one who tagged you in your post
4. Give a hat tip (HT) to Dan.

My Top Ten Favorite Films: (I had a really hard time coming up with more than 1 or 2 for my facebook page)

1. Little Mermaid (my daughter makes me watch it almost EVERY day)
2. Sleeping Beauty (if we are taking a break from Little Mermaid we must watch this one or Disney Channel) No one said these had to be adult films right?????
3. Oceans 11,12,13 (I should have listed these all seperate - would that be cheating??)
4. Mr. and Mrs. Smith
5. Sweet Home Alabama
6. Save the last Dance
7. You've got mail
8. Mission Impossible 1, 2, 3
9. How to lose a guy in 10 days
10. 10 things I hate about you

O.k. so I also must admit that I cheated a little bit. It has been so long since I have been able to watch and adult film that I can't remember what the names of any of them are..........

I cannot tag anyone that has not already been tagged because I only know Angela and she has already done this.

Tag back love:
Angela, again she is the only blogger I know!!

Hat tip to Dan:
hey, Dan! Don't know who you are!!!

(I feel that I must also clarify that when I say "adult film," I mean a big person not a child film!)

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