Wednesday, July 2, 2008

He always comes through.....

My husband and I have 2 different ideas of how Sundays should be spent. I was raised that you don't do anything on Sundays except go to church, come home, eat lunch, take a nap, then back to church.....We weren't even allowed to do homework or chores on Sundays. My husband was able to do whatever he wanted on Sundays. They would still go to church, but the time depended on what they had planned for the day.

Neither one of us have been faithful to church lately, so my sudden urge to go to church on Sunday Mornings @ a certain time was hard for my husband to understand. You see, he plays in a football league that plays on Sundays. He wants to go to church, and he wants to go as a family, but he also wants to go play football. He is very active in sports, which is is one thing that he gets to do for himself, so I understand.

Since I have been reading this book, I have been realizing (I already knew this, but didn't want to admit it) that I can not get anywhere with him if all I do is nag. If I feel that I need to go to church at 11:00, then I should go without making him feel guilty, then we can go together as a family to the 6:00 service or whatever time works. The selfish side of me didn't want to give in. I wanted to MAKE him see that he needed to go with me when I wanted to go. Well, that's not really how it works. A husband responds best to the testimony his wife has.

So, I decided to "compromise." (I really do hate that word!!) This past week I decided we would go to the 10:30 service. The service gets out at 11:30, and that would give him time to make it to his 12:00 game. He was happy with that, and I was o.k. with it too. Saturday he calls me while I am out and says the game has been cancelled! YEAH!!! This week's game is cancelled too.......Now, what to do about the rest of them? I can't just tell him to quit, he will resent me for that, and that's not really fair to him either. He knows my feelings, and it would have to be God that changes his heart about it. (Please don't get me wrong, my husband is a wonderful man and does everything he can to make me and the kids happy and compromises on the things that are important to me. He wants to go to church with us, but he also wants to be able to play his sports. If the family had another need, he would drop the football game in a heartbeat to tend to the family. As I explained in the beginning. We were just raised differently on how the ENTIRE Sunday is spent.)

Last night he gets home from his softball game. (They won and now they are playing for 1st or 2nd place in the tournament tonight!!) We ate some Taco Bell (MY FAVORITE!!) and chatted about our days and how things went. He then proceeded to tell me that the football league is now "up in the air," because the school that they are playing at doesn't want them to use their fields any more. Hmmmmm...........

Now, they could very well find another place to play, but I also feel this is God's way of telling me.... "See when you sit back and let ME take care of things, I will always take care of YOU." We will see what happens............

1 comment:

Angela said...

You seem to have a terrific attitude about all of this! I know very well that it does no good to nag Dustin...but I don't know how well I would react if he suddenly wouldn't go to church with me.